Professor Jörg Balsiger

Holder of a doctorate in environmental science, policy and management from the University of California at Berkeley, Jörg Balsiger is associate professor at the Department of Geography and Environment and at the Institute of Environmental Sciences (ISE), at the University of Geneva. He also manages the Research Hub on Environmental Governance and Territorial Development (PGEDT) at the ISE, and is chair of the Mountain Research Initiative, hosted in Switzerland.

Fields of excellence: 

Dr. Anna Scolobig

A trained social scientist (PhD from University of Udine, Italy), Anna Scolobig is a senior research associate at the Institute for Environmental Sciences (ISE) at University of Geneva. She has studied climate, water and flood risk management in Mexico and India and extensively in Europe. She has considerable experience in training, teaching, and mentoring, including on social capacity building.

Fields of excellence: 

Dr. Simon Allen

Simon Allen is a physical geographer (PhD from University of Canterbury, New Zealand) working currently as a senior research associate at the Universities of Geneva and Zurich. His research focuses on climate impacts and disaster risk, particularly in mountain regions. He works with various local partners to undertake integrated climate risk assessments as a basis for adaptation planning and sustainable development in South and central Asia, the Andes and Tibet.

Fields of excellence: 

Additional collaborators

  • Marie Charlotte Marguerit Van Inthoudt (formally Institute for Environmental Sciences, University of Geneva)
  • Corine Frischknecht (Department of Earth Sciences, University of Geneva)